Please excuse my mess as I try to reconstruct my new place. It's pretty ugly right now. I'll get it.....eventually. :o) I'm having a little bit of a time with it. This new blogger is hard to get used to. I did get the follow button added. I'm out of time for right now. But I'llllllll be back. :o)
No worries about the blog...we'll all be here waiting on you! :)
Sending you hugs and prayers my friend. :)
Following you here now :) Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Hey, doll! I'm so glad you are back. I've been thinking about you. Bless your heart...I know it's lonely there right now. I really can't imagine since I always have had a dog around since I've been an adult. I'm curious as to why you are not going to get another one?
If you need help with your blog, I would be happy to help you! If you don't have time and would like me to work on something for you, I'd be happy to do that too. There's not much I can do to comfort you from here, but I could do that. Of course, you'd have to trust me with your sign-on info. Email me if you'd like to take me up on it. But if you want to do it yourself, I certainly understand that too!
I've changed all your info over to the new blog. I'll be coming here from now on.
Yummy-sounding recipe!
Great, I'm following now. Looking forward to visiting here often!
GLad you got the follow blog up so I can follow you :)
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